Thursday, November 5, 2009

Mr. Jabiz Raisdana on Skype

Today Dr. Strange's TT 11:00 am class from Alabama got to skype with Jabiz Raisdana in Qatar. One of three things that really stuck out for me was his mention of International Schools Services, which is a resource for teachers who wish to teach abroad.

Mr. Jabiz also told us that creating a good PLN requires patience. He said his most effective strategy was by blogging with a voice-- meaning, personalize your responses, share your own life experiences, get engaged with others who are discussing things beyond the educational "echo."

Lastly, Jabiz left us with one good tip... When your passion for teaching expires, "Move on."

Dr. Strange has posted the skype session, be sure to check it out! Jabiz encourages us to follow his paper trail. Start here.

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