Thursday, June 10, 2010

Gina's Summary Response

To learn how to put a full response summary on your blog, go to my blog post titled, "Stephen Teaches Response Summary Image Link".


  1. Are we supposed to wait for confirmation before we can send out our questionnaires to the class?

  2. Thanks for answering the question Crystal.

  3. Okay Anthony this is bugging me. How did you embed the summary response in the way that you did where you can scroll?

  4. Alright Martha, you are going to make me lose a bet with Gina. I told her I refuse to explain how to do this again because it was such a process-- but so long as you don't make me do the PC version of the instructions, I will create a screenflow to show how I did this just for you. Check back here, by Wednesday I should have it up. Thanks for all your hardwork-- you are making me want to step up to the plate.
